Pascal’s Triangle: The Enigmatic Elegance of Mathematical Patterns

Adina Socaci
11 min readSep 11, 2023


In algebra, Pascal’s triangle is a triangular arrangement of numbers that gives the coefficients in the expansion of any binomial expression, such as (x + y)^n. It is named for the 17th-century French mathematician Blaise Pascal, but it is far older.

Pascal’s Triangle, an unpretentious yet intriguing mathematical construct, has captivated the minds of mathematicians for centuries. This triangular array of numbers, attributed to the 17th-century French mathematician Blaise Pascal but dating back to Chinese mathematicians in the 13th century, constitutes a foundational concept in mathematics.

Chinese mathematician Jia Xian devised a triangular representation of the coefficients in the 11th century. His triangle was further studied and popularised by Chinese mathematician Yang Hui in the 13th century, for which reason in China, it is often called the Yang Hui triangle. The remarkable pattern of coefficients was also studied in the 11th century by the Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet Omar Khayyam.

Jia Xian was a Chinese mathematician who lived during the 11th century, predating Blaise Pascal by several centuries. His work on what is now known as Pascal’s Triangle makes him a noteworthy figure in the history of mathematics. He was a pupil of mathematician and astronomer Chu Yan, who contributed to the revision of the Chongtian calendar in 1023.

His work was primarily focused on solving mathematical problems related to inheritance and distribution of wealth, where binomial coefficients were involved. He used this triangular arrangement to simplify calculations, much like the modern Pascal’s Triangle.

Jia Xian’s work on the triangle demonstrates the early recognition of its mathematical importance in Chinese mathematics. While he may not have explored all the properties and applications that later mathematicians did, his contributions laid the foundation for developing this mathematical concept.

His era was characterised by significant mathematical advancements in China, including the invention of decimal arithmetic and the development of algebraic methods. His work within this context highlights the rich history of mathematics in ancient China.

Yang Hui, literary name Qianguang, writings include explanations of the triangle’s construction and mathematical properties. He is often credited with developing a method for calculating binomial coefficients similar to that used in Pascal’s Triangle. While information about Yang’s life is scarce, his publications have managed to survive as some of the few remaining Chinese works on mathematics from that era.

His work, “Jiuzhang Suanfa Zuanlei” (Reclassification of the Mathematical Procedures in the Nine Chapters), written around 1275 during the Song Dynasty in China, is a significant historical mathematical text. While it predates Blaise Pascal’s contributions to the study of Pascal’s Triangle by several centuries, it provides a noteworthy connection to the concepts within the triangle.

Yang Hui’s work is a comprehensive compilation and reclassification of mathematical knowledge in ancient China, specifically focusing on the contents of the classic Chinese mathematics text “Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art” (Jiuzhang Suanshu). This reclassification aimed to make mathematical procedures more accessible and understandable to a broader audience.

His work contains a section on combinatorics, which is of particular relevance to Pascal’s Triangle. In this section, he discusses methods for solving problems related to permutations and combinations, and he introduces the idea of triangular arrays of numbers, which share similarities with Pascal’s Triangle.

He presents a method for generating triangular arrays of numbers. These arrays provide a systematic way to calculate binomial coefficients, and his approach closely aligns with the principles that later contributed to the development of Pascal’s Triangle.

Yang Hui recognized the significance of binomial coefficients (though not using this term) in combinatorial problems. He introduced a method to calculate these coefficients efficiently. His contributions were instrumental in simplifying calculations involving combinations and permutations.

While Yang Hui’s work did not give rise to Pascal’s Triangle in its modern form, it is considered a crucial historical precursor. His insights and methods laid the foundation for later mathematicians who independently rediscovered and further developed similar concepts and notations related to binomial coefficients and triangular arrays.

Omar Khayyam, Arabic in full Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn Ibrāhīm al-Nīsābūrī al-Khayyāmī, who lived during the 11th century, was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet. He was well-known in his country during his time for his impressive scientific achievements. English-speaking readers may be familiar with him through the translation of a collection of his quatrains called “The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám”.

His mathematical journey led him to make significant contributions in diverse mathematical domains. Notably, he made groundbreaking strides in solving cubic equations. His geometric approach to these equations not only laid the foundation for future algebraic developments but also showcased his mathematical ingenuity.

However, it was his exploration of binomial expansions that would draw parallels with Pascal’s Triangle. In his mathematical treatises, Khayyam delved into the expansion of binomial expressions raised to integer powers. His systematic approach for calculating coefficients in these expansions mirrored the fundamental principles that would later be associated with Pascal’s Triangle.

Khayyam’s method for expanding binomial expressions, though not employing modern notation, displayed a technical sophistication that resonates with the concept of binomial coefficients. His approach involved careful consideration of cases based on powers of ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the expression (a + b)^n. By developing systematic procedures for computing these coefficients, he paved the way for later mathematicians to refine and formalize these techniques.

Let’s take a short break from science to contemplate life through Omar’s poetry. This is an extract from his work, Rubaiyat (quatrains).

“Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,

Before we too into the Dust descend;

Dust into Dust, and under Dust, to lie,

Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer, and — sans End!”

“The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon

Turns Ashes — or it prospers; and anon,

Like Snow upon the Desert’s dusty Face,

Lighting a little Hour or two — is gone.”

“Alike for those who for To-day prepare,

And those that after a To-morrow stare,

A Muezzin from the Tower of Darkness cries

‘Fools! your Reward is neither Here nor There.’”

“The Flower that once has blown for ever dies.

Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain Pursuit

Of This and That endeavor and dispute;

Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape

Than sadden after none, or bitter, Fruit.”

Construction of Pascal’s Triangle

The construction begins with a single number ‘1’ at the top of the triangle.

Subsequent rows are generated by applying a specific rule to the previous row. Here’s how it works:

The first and last elements of each row are always ‘1’.

The middle elements of each row are determined by adding the two numbers directly above them in the previous row.

To illustrate, let’s build the first few rows:

Row 1: 1

Row 2: 1 1 (The 1s on the ends are always there, and the middle ‘1’ is the sum of the two numbers above it.)

Row 3: 1 2 1 (Again, the 1s on the ends are fixed, and the middle ‘2’ is the sum of ‘1’ and ‘1’ from the row above.)

Row 4: 1 3 3 1 (The pattern continues. The ‘3’ in the middle is the sum of ‘2’ and ‘1’ from the previous row, and so on.)

As we continue this process, the triangle grows, revealing various numbers.

Mathematical Significance

Pascal’s Triangle is not just a curious arrangement of numbers; it has several profound mathematical properties and connections:

Binomial Coefficients

Each number in Pascal’s Triangle represents a binomial coefficient, often denoted as C(n, k). This coefficient indicates the number of ways to choose ‘k’ items from a set of ’n’ distinct items without regard to order. The value of C(n, k) corresponds to the number in Pascal’s Triangle at row ’n’ and position ‘k’.

Binomial Theorem

Pascal’s Triangle is intimately connected to the Binomial Theorem, a fundamental result in algebra. This theorem provides a formula for expanding the powers of a binomial expression, like (a + b)^n, and the coefficients in this expansion are precisely the numbers from Pascal’s Triangle.

Number Patterns

Pascal’s Triangle is teeming with intriguing number patterns, including triangular numbers, Fibonacci numbers, and various sequences derived from its diagonals.

Here are some of the most intriguing number patterns found within this mathematical marvel:

  1. Triangular Numbers: One of the most striking patterns within Pascal’s Triangle is the emergence of triangular numbers. Triangular numbers are those that can be arranged into equilateral triangles. These numbers appear along the diagonal of Pascal’s Triangle. For example, the second diagonal (1, 1, 1, 1, …) represents the sequence of triangular numbers (1, 3, 6, 10, …).
  2. Fibonacci Numbers: Pascal’s Triangle holds a hidden connection to the famous Fibonacci sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. When you sum the diagonal elements in Pascal’s Triangle, starting with the second element (1), you obtain the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, …). This connection highlights the profound interplay of mathematical concepts.
  3. Other Diagonals: Beyond triangular numbers and Fibonacci numbers, Pascal’s Triangle reveals various sequences along its diagonals. These sequences are generated by the cumulative sums of numbers in each diagonal. For instance, the third diagonal (1, 2, 3, 4, …) forms the sequence of natural numbers.
  4. Binomial Coefficients: Of course, at its core, Pascal’s Triangle is a repository of binomial coefficients. Each entry in the triangle represents a binomial coefficient, denoted as C(n, k), where ’n’ is the row number and ‘k’ is the position within the row. These coefficients have numerous applications in combinatorics, probability theory, and algebraic expansion.

The triangle itself exhibits remarkable symmetry and self-similarity.

The triangle exhibits a remarkable symmetrical structure. If you draw a vertical line through the apex of the triangle, you’ll notice that the entries on the left side mirror those on the right side. This symmetry is visually appealing and mathematically significant.

Pascal’s Triangle displays self-similarity, where smaller triangles within the larger triangle replicate the overall triangular pattern. Each subsection of the triangle resembles the entire triangle, preserving the same structure on a different scale.

The interplay of number patterns, including triangular and Fibonacci numbers, combined with the aesthetic beauty of symmetry and self-similarity, makes Pascal’s Triangle a mathematical masterpiece.

Combinatorial Applications

The triangle’s structure has applications in combinatorics, probability theory, and statistics. It helps solve problems related to combinations and permutations, making it a valuable tool in these fields.

Counting Combinations

One of the fundamental uses of Pascal’s Triangle is in counting combinations. Each number in the triangle corresponds to a binomial coefficient, often denoted as C(n, k), where ’n’ represents the total number of items, and ‘k’ signifies the number of items chosen without regard to order. By simply reading off the values from the triangle, mathematicians can swiftly determine the number of ways to select items from a set, simplifying complex combinatorial calculations.

Solving Permutation Problems

Pascal’s Triangle is also valuable for solving permutation problems. Permutations involve arranging items in a specific order. By manipulating the binomial coefficients within the triangle, mathematicians can calculate the number of permutations efficiently. This simplifies various arrangements and ordering problems.

Probability Distributions

In probability theory, Pascal’s Triangle aids in the construction of probability distributions. It allows for the determination of the probabilities associated with various outcomes in a probabilistic experiment. The binomial coefficients from the triangle play a pivotal role in the development of the binomial probability distribution, which describes the likelihood of a certain number of successes in a fixed number of trials.

Statistical Analysis

Pascal’s Triangle finds applications in statistics, particularly in the context of analyzing data. It helps statisticians calculate and understand the probabilities of different outcomes, which is crucial in hypothesis testing, data modeling, and decision-making. The triangle’s combinatorial properties provide a solid foundation for various statistical methods.

Combinatorial Identity Proofs

Pascal’s Triangle offers a visual representation of several combinatorial identities and relationships. Mathematicians can use these identities to prove theorems and solve complex combinatorial problems. The triangle serves as a visual aid for understanding the algebraic manipulations involved in these proofs.

Algebraic Properties

Pascal’s Triangle plays a role in algebraic identities and polynomial coefficients. It simplifies polynomial multiplication, factorisation, and other algebraic manipulations.

Polynomial Multiplication

One of the key algebraic applications of Pascal’s Triangle is in polynomial multiplication. When multiplying two binomial expressions, such as (a + b)(c + d), the coefficients of the resulting polynomial expansion can be determined directly from Pascal’s Triangle. The rows of the triangle correspond to the coefficients of each term in the expansion, making it a convenient and efficient method for polynomial multiplication.

For example, to expand (a + b)³, you can simply read the coefficients from the fourth row of Pascal’s Triangle, which are 1, 3, 3, and 1. This yields the expansion: a³ + 3a²b + 3ab² + b³.

Polynomial Factorization

Pascal’s Triangle also aids in polynomial factorization. When factoring binomial expressions or polynomial expressions with multiple terms, you can use the coefficients from the triangle to identify common factors and simplify the expression. This is particularly useful in algebraic simplification and solving polynomial equations.

Algebraic Identities

The triangle contains the coefficients for the expansion of binomial expressions, which are crucial for proving and understanding various algebraic identities. For instance, the Binomial Theorem, which describes the expansion of (a + b)^n, relies on the coefficients found in Pascal’s Triangle. Algebraic identities and relationships can be established and proven using these coefficients, enhancing the understanding of algebraic concepts.

Coefficient Manipulations

Pascal’s Triangle’s symmetrical and recursive nature simplifies the manipulation of coefficients in algebraic equations. For example, you can use the triangle to quickly find coefficients for specific terms or powers of variables in a polynomial expression without resorting to lengthy calculations.

Combinatorial Algebra

The connection between Pascal’s Triangle and binomial coefficients also plays a fundamental role in combinatorial algebra, where algebraic methods are applied to combinatorial problems. The triangle provides a bridge between the combinatorial and algebraic aspects of mathematics.

Number Theory

Exploring the properties of prime numbers within Pascal’s Triangle has led to conjectures and research in number theory, adding to its significance in this branch of mathematics.

Prime Numbers in Diagonals

One of the most compelling features of Pascal’s Triangle is the distribution of prime numbers within its diagonals. As you traverse certain diagonals of the triangle, you encounter prime numbers such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and so on. These prime numbers emerge in a seemingly irregular pattern, sparking curiosity and investigation among number theorists.

Prime Number Conjectures

The presence of prime numbers in Pascal’s Triangle’s diagonals has led to conjectures and questions in number theory. Mathematicians have explored the distribution of these primes and whether there is a systematic way to predict their occurrences within the triangle. This has given rise to conjectures and research endeavors focused on uncovering the underlying principles governing the appearance of prime numbers in this context.

Prime-Generating Functions

Pascal’s Triangle has also inspired the development of prime-generating functions based on its properties. Some mathematicians have devised functions that generate prime numbers by traversing the diagonals or rows of the triangle. While these functions may not be as efficient as traditional prime-generating algorithms, they showcase the intriguing interplay between combinatorial structures and number theory.

Prime Factorization Patterns

Pascal’s Triangle’s connection to prime numbers extends to the realm of prime factorization. The coefficients within the triangle exhibit patterns related to prime factorization, providing a unique lens through which mathematicians can explore the composition of numbers into their prime factors.


As we wrap up this mathematical exploration, it’s essential to recognize that, similar to Pascal’s Triangle, the domain of mathematics presents itself as a complex and interconnected structure, poised for investigation. With each discovery, it unveils novel insights and phenomena, reflecting the depth and intricacy of mathematical study.

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